Apartments & Condos

Ashley Apartments / (662) 843-4611/ (662) 843-8879

201 Lamar St. - 9 units

Camellia Apartments / (662) 843-9933

1300 Cross St. - 72 units (subsidized - equal housing opportunity)

Carpenter Estates / (662) 843-9499

312 Carpenter St. - 72 units (non subsidized)

Cleveland Townhomes / (662) 843-6035

607 Rosemary Road

College Heights Apartments / (662) 719-2929

Under New Management!

811 Oak Street - 28 units (adjacent to DSU) Visit Website

Colony Apartments / (662) 843-3869

410 Bishop Road - 88 units

Country Village Apartments / (662) 846-0399

282 Yale St. - 24 units

Country Way Apartments / (662) 846-1201

Eastside Manor Apartments / (662) 843-2555

815 Beach St. - 21 units

Happy Street Estates, LTD / (662) 843-7517

39 Happy St., Renova, MS

(Rent based on tenant’s annual income & basic rental rate per unit size)

Lead Bayou Apartments / (662) 846-1419

147 White St. - 48 units

Odom Place Townhouses / (662) 719-9657

215 N. Second Ave. - 18 units

Mark Myers, LLC / (662) 588-3184 or (662) 719-6554

Both Apartments & Homes Available to rent/lease

Regency Apartments

Rosemary Road - 32 units

S & L Apartments

Rosemary Road - 22 units

South Central Village Apartments / (662) 843-0784

609 Glasco & South Chrisman - 60 units

(cater to the handicapped, elderly, and disabled)

Southern Villas of Cleveland / (662) 843-6035

607 Rosemary Road - 40 units

(Financed by Real Development, formerly FHA, for very low to moderate income citizens; rental structure based on income)

Sunset Village Apartments / (662) 843-9823

900 White St. - 136 units

Victoria Bend Apartments / (662) 843-5060

(Roy Collins Construction Co.) Victoria Ave.

VIP Village Apartments / (662) 843-8812

406 Bishop Road - 50 units

Westside Apartments / (662) 846-7437

Contact Brooks Reynolds c: (662) 721-8133

Hwy 8 West - 18 units

Young Avenue Apartments / (662) 843-7502

1530 Young Ave. - 40 units

Additional Contacts for Rental Properties:

Keith Walker/ (662) 719-5248

Debbie Joel / (662) 843-7108 / (662) 843-4999 

Terry Burd / (662) 843-0507 

W. A. Hollingsworth / (662) 843-9886 

David Bailey, Jr. / (662) 843-6360 / (662) 719-2000

Mike Baker/ (662) 721-6088 

Magnolia Rentals / 662.588.7215

Dinesh Chawla / (662) 846-2915 

Jordan Properties / (601) 720-5555 

Mitzi Garrett / (662) 588-1571

Larry Perry / (662) 843-9824 

Tommy Whatley / (662) 843-8800 

Joseph Stout / (662) 846-1107 

Jerry Walker / (662) 721-8182

Mark Myers / (662) 719-6554

Kristi Harrison / (901) 378-1723

Mary Mitchell / (662) 719-5248